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Ten Questions about the New Weapons
Sent in by John (of Sara), Chile

Sometimes the Lord talks about three new weapons and other times He talks about other new weapons too. Why is this?

The Lord has given the Family various new weapons of the spirit, some of the primary ones being praise, loving Jesus intimately, and using the gift of prophecy. Each of these weapons was designed to deepen your relationship with the Lord. While using the new weapons hasn't always been easy, and some still struggle to implement them, the overall ef­fect of these precious gifts has been the strength­ening of each individual's personal connection with Jesus.

Okay, there are three primary weapons. So what are the other ones?

The main components of these days of preparation have been the new weapons, some of the primary ones being praise, prophecy, and loving Jesus intimately, living the Law of Love to the full, and the weapon of weakness, meek­ness and humility.

I know that we have to practice listening to the Lord in prophecy, but why are the other weapons important too?

Each of these weapons will be just as crucial in the final days. While the weapon of prophecy will be the primary weapon, the other weapons add strength, firepower, and accuracy to your use of this weapon.

Using prophecy on a regular basis has been a major step in our spiritual growth. Lis­tening to the Lord's directions and instructions has made us all more aware of the ever-open line of communication between the One Who has all of the answers and us who so desper­ately need those answers. Our lives are dedi­cated to serving God and doing His will, and we now have the means to know more specifically what He wants us to do in each situation. He's given us an incredibly powerful communication link from His heart to ours.

The Loving Jesus revelation has en­hanced our individual relationships with the Lord, as it enabled us to draw closer to Him than ever before. The Lord revealed His per­sonal desire for love and humbly asked us to do our part to fill that need. In doing so, He has allowed us to partake in a special intimacy with Him. He's made it possible for us to love Him freely, without shame, resulting in us all getting to know Him more deeply than in the past and receiving the many blessings He bestows upon us because of it.

Praising the Lord has made us much more aware of the many things He does for us on a daily basis. As we thank Him, honor Him, and show our appreciation by verbally acknowl­edging the numerous blessings, both big and small, that He pours upon us daily, it helps us to better realize and understand the importance Jesus plays in our everyday lives, resulting in more love and gratitude toward our wonderful Husband and Provider.

The greatest love in the days ahead will be the love that comes from loving Me intimately. The greatest wisdom will be the wisdom that I give in prophecy. The greatest power you will have will be the power that you have in prayer. The greatest way to victory will be through praise and keeping your eyes on Me. The bond strong enough to endure will be found in truly living My Law of Love.

I understand that if we live the Law of Love we will have more unity, but what does unity have to do with the new weapons?

I want you to work on your unity with others. It doesn't matter how advanced your weapons are; if there's disunity amongst your ranks, then you'll be easy prey for the Enemy.

Now is the time to work on building more trust and unity in the Family, for this is one of the new weapons. Love, unity, trust, and selflessness are not just nice Christian virtues to strive for, but they are part of the new weap­ons that will protect and help you through the dark days ahead. All these work together with the other new weapons-loving Me intimately and so passionately that you know that I would never do anything to hurt you; knowing that I do all things for your good no matter what the outward circumstances look like; praising Me and hearing My voice to lead and guide and direct you; and trusting your brethren that they will be there for you, that they also hear from Me and will do the right thing. Such love, unity, trust, and selflessness will be a help and a com­fort in the dark days to come. Now is the time to work on these weapons.

What about these three other weapons: weakness, meekness, and humility?

I've given you the weapons of weak­ness, meekness and humility, which enables Me to manifest My power more greatly.

I ask that you be willing to humble yourselves to employ the new weapons for the new day-for the new weap­ons glorify only Me and show My power, and not the power of My vessels. In these Last Days of battle, all the glory and all the praise must be given to Me, or else My children will be lifted up in pride and fall under the condemnation of the Devil. That's why it is the day for the weak to lead My Family into victory-they that have nothing, no strength of their own, and seek no glory of their own; who look not for the praise of man, but for the praise of God.

Loving Jesus, praising Him, using the gift of prophecy, living His Law of Love, are all humbling.

Many of the revelations that I've given you-the new weapons, the gift of loving Me intimately. the gift of hearing from Me directly in prophecy-serve a two-fold purpose. Not only do they strengthen our relationship and equip you to fight the battles that I know are ahead, but they also humble you. They force you to make a choice between your pride and obedi­ence-between the opinions of man and doing what I've asked of you. I have ordained it this way, because no man can serve two masters.

It's not by accident that so many of the gifts which I have given you come with some conditions-such as being willing to be con­sidered fools for My sake, laying down your pride in order to use them, and setting aside your intellectuality and natural ways of doing things in order to obey Me. I ordained it that way so that only those willing to humble themselves for My sake, only those willing to be completely Mine, would benefit from the power, strength and anointing that comes with those new weap­ons.

I understand that humility is important in the use of the new weapons, but is pride really all that bad?

Pride is the great enemy in this new day. It holds you back in so many ways. When there's pride in your heart, you can't fully move forward into all that I have for you. When you face this enemy of pride square in the face and determine to do battle against it, you'll be set free to fully implement the use of each of My new weapons, and wield them with greater skill and precision.

In this new day, pride is the great enemy. The way to progress spiritu­ally is to cry out to Me for deliverance from pride, and then proceed to use My new weapons of the spirit, which are humbling. That's why pride is such an enemy, because it hinders you from using the new weapons.

You allow yourselves to become weaken­ed when you allow bitterness, resentment, and strong pride to hinder you.

The answer to question three mentions prayer: “The greatest power you will have will be the power that you have in prayer.” Is prayer one of the new weapons? Is claiming the power of the keys of the Kingdom in prayer also a new weapon?

Prayer is not nec­essarily a “new” weapon in the sense of being something revelatory that you were not aware of before-such as the Loving Jesus revelation, for example. It is, how­ever, a new weapon in the sense that you are now discovering how to use it more effectively, as you did with prophecy. Prayer is something you've done all along. David instructed you well in the ways of prayer and was faithful to remind you to pray and to show you by example. Yet in this new day you must learn to wield this weapon of prayer in a new way. I'm upgrading your weapon of prayer by teaching you how to use it more effectively, to shoot better and hit the bull's-eye of My will, knocking the enemy for a loop. David too, since coming to heaven, has both learned more on prayer and has been faithful to share his new dis­coveries and instruct you in the greater uses of prayer.

Prayer has been mentioned before in listings of the new weapons, but not much notice was taken. There have been many other things that seemed more new, more unusual, and required more effort, and thus I have had to focus on these, and My Family has had to have more training in them. But now is the new day of prayer. It's like a new weapon because it's going to be used like never before. In this time of the End, because the days grow evil and the fight is stronger than ever before, it is vital that you use your prayer weapon more effectively. Now you will have to pray more than ever before, more specifically and more fervently than you ever have, and because of this, the effects are going to be more powerful and noticed than they have been.

When I opened My hand and gave you the keys to the Kingdom, I gave you a new gift.It is true that Christians throughout the ages have used the keys to some extent, but none have had the access, or the detailed information on how to use them, that I have given to you. They are the most recent “new weapon,” as it were, given to you, the children of David, in the Last Days.These keys make the impossible become possible. These keys put the power of Heaven at your fingertips. These keys energize you with newfound power, the likes of which has not been available to you before.

To truly learn the art of rising above, you must be empowered with the keys.

(Rising above) means complete overcoming, complete victory, complete freedom. It doesn't mean just a sort of deliverance, a major change, or a huge step of progress, or a victory won over many years. It means complete transformation. It means leaving the weights and sins that so easily beset you behind once and for all. That is the complete fulfillment of rising above. That is the power given to you through the keys.

All that I have taught you and shown you in My Word over the years can be completely fulfilled through the power of the keys. Because you have this power, you have no excuses left for not believing, doing, or living any of what I have shown you. You have no reason to hold back from doing anything that I ask of you. There is nothing to hold you back or weigh you down-nothing but lack of faith or unwillingness to yield. But once you take the simple steps of faith I have been showing you through My Word, once you determine that you want the power of the keys and you want to do whatever it takes to get that power, and you step out to receive it and use it, then I take over from there. Then I make the impossible reality. &&&
Its not a CM requirement to practice using the new weapons, so why bother?

We are entering times of war, times when you will no longer be able to rest on experience, skill, or even the wisdom and knowledge that I have given you, but you will have to rely only upon Me.

Dangerous times are coming, and though I will protect you and keep you, remem­ber that you're entering a new day, a new time, a new century, and a new calling. No longer will the armor of the past be sufficient, for the Enemy will find that you're an easy target if you have not armed yourself with the new hi-tech weap­onry of My Spirit. He will attack you and try to pull you down. To each of you who may still be struggling, I say that you can make it if you will simply throw yourself wholeheartedly into using the new weapons.

Pick up your gun of proph­ecy and start using it. Pick up the shield of your relationship with Me and loving Me, and start defending your spirit from the lies and attacks of the Devil.

The battles that you've known, when looked upon in the days to come, will seem as child's play by comparison. You wonder, “If that's the case, how will I ever make it? It seems that I can barely make it as is!” With every battle, I pour out a measure of grace. To those who are prepared by receiving My Words and loving Me, My grace will come through the use of the new weapons. Victories in the battles to come will hinge upon your use of the new weapons-your very life will depend upon their use.

It's the day of great miracles, great anointing, and great power-and those who will partake of that power and anointing will be those who have passed the tests and been willing to leave their pride behind in order to obey Me. Those who hesitate, I do not throw out. They can hang on for as long as they have the strength. But the time is coming when the only way to have the strength will be in using the new weap­ons that I've given you.

In this new day, to have the full anoint­ing, power and blessing of My Spirit, you must be using the new weapons. I plead with you to heed My call and to obey. Not to obey out of duty or out of force, but out of love.

The more you use the new weapons now, the more effective you'll be during the Great Tribulation and the less you'll suffer.

I know of some young people (and also some of the first generation) that don't take the use of new weapons (or the Word) seriously. What will happen to them if they don't change?

In the Last Days, the Evil One's fury is being unleashed over all the Earth, for he knows that his time is short. He's directed his biggest guns at the people on Earth who pose the greatest threat to his evil plan for complete world domination. He targets My young ones, My tender ones, My easily swayed ones. He pinpoints and then attacks those who are not deep in the Word. not close to My voice, and not serious about using the new weapons. Like a wolf, be goes for the sick stray sheep who is a little removed from the flock.

I held back the Enemy's attacks before and limited his influence, because My children were not yet ready. But now in these Last Days you have been given new weapons, new power and strength, and the Enemy has been given more leeway, more room to move and fight. His power to attack and hinder has intensified, thus the increased intensity of the battles. But this is all part of the preparation for My soldiers. In this way the Enemy works for you. In his efforts to defeat you, he actually causes you to be strengthened, because you have to fight, you have to use the new weapons, you have to get desperate. Though this is initially a painful and humbling experience, the end result is greater power, greater anointing, and greater happiness.

Take it to heart, My loves, that when I ask something of you, it's because I know it is needed. I do not afflict willingly, and I know how difficult it is for some of you to embrace these things which I have asked of you. But I also know how important it is in the spirit. How great will be the rewards, the power, the usefulness, the anointing, the fulfillment for those of you who have yielded to Me-who have learned to use the new weapons; who have been willing to lay aside your pride in order to be My brides, in order to live your lives according to the direc­tion I give in prophecy, in order to depend on My promises and base your decisions on My Word, even when it seems crazy or illogical! So great will be your anointing and your strength!

I'm trying to use the new weapons but it doesn't look like I'm getting very far. I'm discouraged because it I think I'm way behind many other people I know. What can I do?

(Dad speaking:) Whenever you're making progress, you can be sure the Enemy will fight you. Don't be too surprised if in the midst of the battles you're fighting, you feel like you're not getting anywhere and you're tempted to think that you're doing worse than ever. People often feel that way when they're progressing and gaining victories, because the Enemy fights spiritual progress so hard. It's like his last attempt to discourage you and persuade you to give up right when you're making progress and going forward and consolidating victories, because he's so mad at you for making such good progress.
So don't give up, and don't give in to his lies! You have to recognize that it's the Enemy who's behind those feelings of discour­agement. making you feel like you're not getting anywhere, that nothing has changed, and that you're never going to change and do better. If you've been doing the best you can, are obedient to the Lord, receiving His Words, and are doing your best to apply them; if you've been seeking Him, praying desperately for the progress you need to make, holding on, and giving it your all, you're doing great! You're progressing, moving forward, changing, winning victories, and the Enemy can't do anything to stop you!
The Enemy doesn't have the new weap­ons. He has nothing as powerful as you do to work with. He can't pray, he can't love Jesus. He can't praise, he can't stand on the Word. Compared to you and the powerful weapons that you have, his weapons are pretty puny. So just keep going and don't listen to his lies. If you're really getting attacked by his lies it helps to have someone pray for you and receive some­thing from the Lord about the good progress you're making to counterbance the negative channel of the Enemy.

(Jesus speaking:) Every step you take to do the right thing, to follow the new moves of My Spirit, to use the new weapons-no matter how small it seems to you - is tremendous progress! Each step is so valuable in your progress, so keep going. Keep taking those steps by faith, because every step is changing you and making you better. You're progressing and moving forward, and it's absolutely wonderful! I'm so proud of you!

3290:47; 3298:34-36; 3289:44
3289:63; 3251:21
3288:45; 3219:25; 3277:32; 3289:39,40
3289:140; 3277:23; 3219:25
3319:81,82; OOGN 2:8,14,22
3196:86; 3288:19; 3289:65; 3289:43; 3282:51; 3280:52
3228:114; 3255:68; 3289:47

1.       3292:105-107,84